PRIDE WEALTH MANAGEMENT is a registered LLP Company  incorporated with Registrar of Companies and Ministry of Corporate Affairs , having LLP Identification Number AAH-9900  in the year 2016 on 9th December; and at present having more than 500 satisfied clients. We will help clients to achieve their Financial goals with effective and smart investment planning. We are certified Wealth Manager, Mutual Fund and Insurance consultants recognized by the IRDA  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority , AMFI (Association of Mutual Fund of India). We offer comprehensive financial advisory services, having highly qualified and experienced team of financial advisors. We use our complete knowledge of insurance, tax laws, and mutual fund investments in order to suggest investment options to the clients, as per their long-term and short-term goals. Our core purpose is to provide fast track financial solutions & thereby make people enjoy a secured retirement life.

Our Products

If you are looking for the right financial product, you are at the right place. Starting from mutual funds to insurance and from real estate to other financial products, we have them all. You can select your financial investment products as per your requirements.
Mutual Funds85%
Capital Market80%
Fixed Income90%
Real Estate95%

Client Services

We understand that merely having a rich product basket is not enough for our valued clients. What clients really need is a holistic platform for an entire family (or an organisation) to record, report & manage a comprehensive portfolio of holdings into multiple financial products. We are proud to offer the following highly acclaimed services to our clients.
Client Desk

The Client Desk is a premium offering for our clients which consolidates entire wealth/portfolio information, covering every major financial /non-financial product, for an entire family or an organisation.
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E Wealth Account


Started with the sole objective of building a bright financial future for our clients, we ensure quality and hassle free financial advice. Being expert on account of our years of experience, we ensure a specific and goal oriented financial planning as per the need and requirement of individuals. Knowing in and out of various asset class, we can guide you through your financial journey with much ease and clarity.

Mr.Robin Mathew
Founder & MD
Mr.Robin Mathew aged 43 years is the Founder and Managing Director of Pride Wealth Management. Robin Mathew is MBA holder from Christ University Bangalore , having 18 years of Experience. Worked with ICICI Group , Reliance Group and HDFC Bank. Experience in Stock Broking Service , Mutual Fund Industry , Life Insurance and Banking Industry.. Partner is known for his deep understanding of the distribution practices and its challenges.
Mr. Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar T is the Director for Marketing and, Praveen Kumar is the person with sound grip on the Financial market.


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